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Writing an Artist Statement - with Susan Buret 18th June 2pm

Andy Warhol, Marilyn Monroe, silkscreen print

"I long for the old days of Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn, stars who had real glamour and mystique. We only knew so much about their lives; the rest was a mystery… My fascination with letting images repeat and repeat – or in a film's case 'run on' – manifests my belief that we spend much of our lives seeing without observing."


Andy Warhol nailed the artist’s statement in one paragraph, yet most visual artists are notoriously tongue tied when it comes to describing, writing about or talking about their work.


In this workshop you will learn techniques for writing those artist statement and proposals that are the source of so much angst. You will share your statement and ideas in a safe and supportive environment with fellow artists.


Susan Buret is a painter and ceramicist who has been writing statements and proposals for over 20 years. Susan has a Master of Philosophy in Visual Arts from the Australian National University. Her exegesis is used as an example when teaching post graduate students to write about their work.

 Bring a notebook and pen to take notes.

Light refreshments will be provided. 5pm is an approx finish time.


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